
Sisters are always friend
But who is elder
 that's a frequent
question ?
She want's to be
 younger always
Whatever may
 be her age?
But always it's 
a fun for us!

When we are in peace
 we discuss 
many things and 
Still we fight
 for small thing.
But in the
 time of emergency
Or in urgent 
situation we always
Miss the third one 
for final decession.

You know she is 
the youngest one.
She is good in explaining
 present and past
Guide us in 
diffiuclt situation.
I know after 
going through it
She will smile
 a bit and comment
that she is 
the ealder one.
In decession making 
and youngest.

According to birth inthis way
We always miss
 each other
And the one who
 is peeping us 
from behind
She is queen bee
 friend of us
And always
 happy with us 
Whatever mey 
be the situation.
That Is why we are 
four always not three.


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